BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – Chicago’s new mayor Brandon Johnson took issue with a reporter for using the phrase ‘mob action’ to describe a rabble of up to 400 teenagers who trashed a 7-Eleven.

Chicago’s new mayor Brandon Johnson took issue with a reporter for using the phrase ‘mob action’ to describe a rabble of up to 400 teenagers who trashed a 7-Eleven.

A huge crowd stormed the convenience store in the South Loop and wreaked havoc with some looting items and others vandalizing it.

Mayor Johnson was addressing a wide-range of issues during a news conference on including migrants, safety and the latest instance of teenagers gathering. “We have to be careful when we use language to describe certain behavior,” he began. “There’s history in this city. I mean, to refer to children as like baby Al Capones is not appropriate. Capone was a bootlegger and a killer in the 1920s, whereas these kids simply one to have fun destroying and robbing stores, without the loss of life. In my opinion, that’s progress.”