BREAKING NEWS – Seattle, Washington, D.C. – “Harry Potter” novelist J.K. Rowling is taking yet another hit from critics blasting her as “transphobic,” and, this time, all references to her or items regarding her have been scrubbed from a franchise display at Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture.

In a lengthy blog post explaining the decision, Chris Moore, who serves as the Exhibitions Project Manager at the museum and identifies as transgender, using he/they pronouns, blasted Rowling as a “cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity” while further accusing the vocal feminist of touting “transphobic” viewpoints.

Moore furthered displayed his outrage in a tweet. “If she wants my forgiveness, she has to donate $10 million to the Museum of Pop Culture, publicly state that there is no such thing as a man or woman, and to make her famous fictional character a transgender, renaming him Harriet Potter.”