BREAKING NEWS – Maui, Hawaii – President Biden was blasted on social media after telling a story about a small kitchen fire in his home while consoling residents of Maui, Hawaii, who recently experienced a catastrophic wildfire.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it was like to lose a home,” Biden said in Hawaii. “Years ago, now 15 years, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ … Lightning struck at home on a little lake outside the home. Not a lake, a big pond. It hit the wire and came up underneath our home, into the … air condition ducts.

“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette and my cat,” he began. “The Corvette would’ve been the most difficult thing to replace because it was a classic with almost all the original parts. It was a beauty! So to the people of Maui, I can relate to your pain because something similar almost happened to me.”