What Historical Figures Really Looked Like… (8 of 11)


In case you weren’t aware, Meritamun stands for “beloved of the god Amun.” We only know about this queen thanks to researchers from the University of Melbourne discovering her skull in their archives. Naturally, she was from ancient Egypt.

How her skull traveled across the globe is beyond anyone’s comprehension. She became a Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Ramesses the Great. Her place of burial was the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, Valley of the Queens, Egypt.

Researchers couldn’t find much on Meritamun mainly because all they had was her skull. Still, they managed to find some information about the former queen. It indicated that she was between 18-25 years old. Her cause of death still remains a mystery.

Something interesting they discovered was that she had a sweet tooth due to her having tooth decay. It makes sense because she lived around the time Alexander the Great introduced sugar to Egypt! Even queens have a vice.