About ten years ago when I went camping with some friends, I made the mistake of hiking by myself. Within a few hours, I was completely lost in the forest many miles away from the campsite, and in fact I walked through the dense woods to the next town. I was exhausted, and I didn’t have the energy to try and find my way back. Somehow, I found the road that lead back to the general area where we parked our cars, but I then realized I didn’t have any money for a bus. Depressed and broke, I turned around and headed back into the forest as night fell, hoping I could trace my steps to hook up with my friends. That’s when I heard a terrifying growl. A creature as big as a large dog with dagger like fangs, leaped in front of me, and stared me down. I was never so scared in my life! But to my surprise, it spoke to me… in a very friendly manner. “You need to borrow some money? I can help. Just fill out these forms and I’ll give you the cash.” My mind was at ease then. I guess I was really lucky that I ran into a “loan” wolf.