I have often been very critical of a friend of mine, for not standing up to his domineering girlfriend. Since they have been dating, she has always treated him like a second class citizen, no matter where they are. I was talking to him yesterday, and he told me he finally stood his ground, letting her know that she wasn’t going to push him around anymore. To make his point to her, he told me that a few weeks ago she called him at 3 a.m., and demanded his presence at her house to give her a foot massage because she couldn’t sleep, and she needed for him to rub her feet to help her get drowsy. She then ordered him to drive at 100 mph, because she needed him ASAP. My friend then stated with pride in his voice, that he went over to her place, but he never went passed 85 mph to show his defiance. He went on to say that he believes he now has gained her respect, because she backhands him in public less frequently when she feels he says or does something she doesn’t like. Well, I guess that’s progress. What the…