BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Al Sharpton has boldly stated that ESPN will face the “wrath” of the civil rights community if they fire Jemele Hill over her controversial comments against President Trump. Firing Hill would be “robbing a person of their right to express their views,” Sharpton added. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders called for ESPN to fire Hill after the co-host tweeted that Trump was a “white supremacist.” “I think it is a fireable offense based on the standard that ESPN has set themselves by saying that people that go too far and make political comments have been suspended from their own network.” Sharpton quickly responded to Sanders comment. “What Sanders is not telling everyone, is that those termination standards at ESPN are for conservatives, not liberals! ESPN’s policy for as long as I’ve known, is to crucify conservatives and give liberals a pass in regards to political speech. She wants them to change their well documented rules mid stream? Now what kind of sense does that make?”