BREAKING NEWS – Orlando, Florida – Former President Bill Clinton is now under fire after ripping Donald Trump for a slogan he repeatedly used when running for office in the 1990’s. The 42nd president, while stumping in for Hillary, suggested Trump’s campaign rallying cry, “Make America Great Again,” is racist code. “I’m actually old enough to remember the good old days, and they weren’t all that good in many ways,” Clinton said. “That message where ‘I’ll give you America great again’ is if you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you?” The crowd roared as Clinton continued. “What it means is ‘I’ll give you an economy you had 50 years ago, and I’ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down,’” he said. The problem is, he has used the same phrase several times in the past. He used it repeatedly while running for president in 1991 and 1992, declaring at one Little Rock, Ark., event, “Together, we can make America great again.” When recently approached and questioned about the appearance of a double standard, Bill angrily stated, “The rules that apply to Donald Trump do not apply to me! I was given the label ‘the first black president’ when I was in office, which means I can talk to African-Americans any way I darn well please!”