BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – The Afghan immigrant Ahmad Khan Rahami who authorities believe planted bombs in New Jersey and New York last weekend, was captured after a dramatic gun battle with police that was sparked when officers found him sleeping in the doorway of a bar. At a rally, Donald Trump commented on the incident by saying the U.S. should have a tougher vetting process in regards to who we let into this country. Hillary Clinton responded to the republican nominee’s statement by saying, “What Trump said will be used a recruiting tool for Islamic radicals. The proper thing for citizens of this nation to do is to ignore the explosions. These people are starving for attention like a spoiled child, so let’s not give it to them. Every time they set off one of their bombs, not only do I feel the press shouldn’t cover it, I think 911 calls reporting terrorist acts should be given the same level of a priority as someone calling in alleging that they just saw a UFO.”