Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I work for a very large cooperation and I have to travel a lot. Here’s the problem, I have an awful fear of flying. Sometimes I’m so scared, I’m almost reduced to tears. Can you give me some guidance?

Signed, Red
From Miami, Florida

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Dear Red,

As you probably know, your phobia is quite common so you’re not alone. And I have no doubt that in your company, there are also other well paid wimps with the same problem. But I understand your fear because the mechanics of flying are terrifying! Such as, when the plane is taking off, for a couple of seconds it’s actually doing a wheel stand on the runway at 175 mph, and then flying at 550 mph at 30,000 feet. At least if you traveled by Amtrak, when it derails and on goes off the track at 80 mph, you’re still on the ground, often surrounded by mangled lifeless bodies. But if you have to fly because there is no other option, rather than spending a fortune on Depends, try to relax by having a few drinks at the airport bar, because that’s where most of the pilots go to calm their nerves before a flight. I hope this helps.
