Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

Our 2 year old son just started head banging when having a temper tantrum. If he’s told it’s time to go to bed and he doesn’t want to, or ordered to eat the vegetables that he hates, he immediately looks for the nearest wall. We are both very concerned with this behavior. What should we do?

Signed, Liz
From Davenport, Iowa

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Dear Liz,

Parents often go through something like this as a child goes through the “terrible twos”. And there are some steps you can take to deal with this midget from hell. You can take him to a very large open field and taunt him with the things he doesn’t like, where there are no walls insight, which would obviously frustrate that little twit. He will probably cry himself to sleep, which is beneficial around naptime. When you’re at home, if he often gets dizzy after running into walls, this can also be a sign that he has a future in politics. But there is a comforting thought. In the next 15 years, your mindset on this issue will likely change, Because if your son grows up to be the typical teenager, there will be countless occasions that you’ll attempt to bang his head against a wall without his consent. I hope this helps.
