Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I have a 9-year-old daughter who would rather call her mom and I liars than to tell the truth. We have caught her in a lie and she will look us in the eyes and say she isn’t lying. We will say, “Well, one of us is lying then…who is it?” And she will say it is us. It is so frustrating, when we catch her doing something and then she will sit there and lie. It doesn’t even bother her at all. I am at my wits end and would appreciate any advice on how to correct and discipline this matter.

Signed, Fernando

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Dear Fernando,

As parents, we always want our kids to be truthful with us, especially when they are caught red-handed. In your case I would urge you and your wife to start using “enhanced interrogations” with that irrational brat of yours. In the 1940’s and 50’s, bright lights and a rubber hose were effected tools in extracting information, so there’s an option you two should entertain. Here’s another one, stop feeding her. And only consider giving her food after her stomach begins to bloat or she starts to hallucinate. On the other hand, she might have a very marketable skill she can later use as an adult. If she can lie with a straight face and a clear conscious, she should consider applying for a job writing political speeches in Washington D.C. I hope this helps.
