BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announces that the Justice Department will soon be conducting a thorough investigation into Fox News. He states that they have become so dominate in the ratings with their conservative perspective, that they need to be shut down or broken up. He further explained that the investigation was prompted by countless complaints from CNN and MSNBC, that they were being financially decimated because sponsors don’t want to try to sell their products and services on networks that hardly anyone watches. Holder said he will halt the investigation if Fox promised to either to start sharing their profits with the other two networks, or to immediately hire Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow, with the guarantee that no one in the studios will laugh at or vomit at their opinions.

LOL….LOL….LOL….LOL…ROTFLMBO! Now that I’ve finished laughing, there are things that are not so funny and are very serious. But I’m sure my liberal friends think it’s all right and quite frankly, long overdue – that the DOJ has come after two of the most honest and decent news personalities from FOX – accusing them of being conspirators and terrorists. Used to be people who leaked info were prosecuted – not press or whistle blowers. Well, that is, until Obama couldn’t get FOX shut out of the daily press conference. So Obama will shut them down any way he can – even if it’s illegal and unconstitutional. Boy, I know a lot of people who are dancing in the street. Can’t have anyone disagreeing with The One. In fact, Harry Belafonte said Obama should take all the Republican Congressmen/women out and shoot them all – sort of like Hugo Chavez, the Dictator, used to do.
Is this website great or what? lol
Yes, Blake, that website is fantastic. Don’t know why that little skinny boy thinks he’s funny, – but he really is. lol… Glad he’s on our side. lol…Good Christian Boy. Love him. lol..