BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Embarrassing emails have now been made public that Brian Williams from NBC sent to PETA. Williams apparently is extremely upset at the continued decline in their ratings and the dominance of Fox News. And because  NBC’s logo is a beautiful peacock, he wanted PETA to regularly release critical statements regarding Fox News, because a fox is a vicious carnivore that will kill and eat birds every chance it gets. PETA responded calling the request “mindless” and “silly”, and suggested that they should try to be more like Fox News by attempting to keep a noticeable balance of opinions from guests from all sides, instead of just a liberal perspective. Williams then sent them an angry letter laced with profanity threatening to do an embarrassing story about their organization. He later apologized, thanking them for their suggestion to improve their show, and he will implement it as soon as he can get the approval from the White House.