BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – While on “AM Joy”, MSNBC contributor and former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks presented a way to remove President Trump from office and pave the way for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to assume the Oval Office: impeach Vice President Mike Pence first and offer the president a deal. “You could impeach Pence first,” Wine-Banks stated. “The problem is that Donald Trump then has to name his replacement. But I think that maybe a deal could be struck where he was told, ‘If you don’t make a replacement, then Nancy Pelosi does become president. And so, you are going to be impeached and convicted. You need to make this replacement so that the proper party remains in power.'” Joy Reid then stated, “That is extremely unlikely and borderline impossible.” Wine-Banks then responded. “I’m aware of that, but I was under the impression that I had to say something completely idiotic to be a regular guest on your show and this network. Has that policy changed?”