BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Media watchdogs are shocked and appalled that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Congress is looking into media literacy initiatives, including a commission to help “rein in” misinformation in the wake of last week’s deadly breach of the U.S. Capitol – and one critic slammed AOC’s suggestion as “wholly un-American.”

Media watchdogs are shocked and appalled that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Congress is looking into media literacy initiatives, including a commission to help “rein in” misinformation in the wake of last week’s deadly breach of the U.S. Capitol – and one critic slammed AOC’s suggestion as “wholly un-American.”

At one point, Ocasio-Cortez read a question from a viewer who asked if there is discussion in Congress on “truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives” to help with healing.

“I can say, there is absolutely a commission being discussed,” she began. “My goal is shut down networks like Fox, because they are giving conservatives and republicans a voice, and that is destructive for socialism. And secondly, I’d like to shut down every church in America that’s trying to make democrats feel guilty for some of the immoral policies that we have in place. However, I will leave the progressive churches alone, because they won’t take a hard stance on anything since they don’t take God too serious.”