BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said the unfolding debacle in Afghanistan was a “Bay of Pigs” moment for President Joe Biden, referring to the ill-fated, U.S.-backed effort to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

“In many ways, I think of John Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs, you know?” Panetta said. “It unfolded quickly and the president thought that everything would be fine and that was not the case. But President Kennedy took responsibility for what took place.”

President Biden responded to Panetta’s historic perspective. “What Leon Panetta said, I agree with whole heartedly,” Biden stated emphatically. “The Bay of Pigs and the current Afghanistan situation is Kennedy’s fault. Muslims do not eat pork, so why would Kennedy fill their harbors with it? It’s culturally insensitive, and if he would’ve did some basic research of their dietary practices, he wouldn’t have done something so blatantly idiotic!”