BREAKING NEWS – Falls Church, Virginia – Parents gathered outside the Fairfax County School Board meeting, voicing their opposition to what they term pedophilia and “porn in schools” after Fairfax County Public Schools reintroduced two books containing depictions of sexual activity.

“They’ve doubled down on porn in the schools. They’ve all got to go,” Stacy Langton, the Fairfax County mother who confronted the school board with images from the books in September, told Fox News. “Who’s in favor of porn in the schools?”

“We see a benefit in showing sexually explicit images to these kids, as sort of an intervention,” the school board said responding to the protests. “We observe the boys very carefully, and if we see them enjoying it too much, we know to warn the community that these particular juveniles will probably grow up to be sexual predators. And if we notice that any of the girls are really getting into it, we offer them some courses on pole dancing that can be performed at strip clubs, and how to stay in shape for their likely career, by exercising regularly in gym class.”