BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – President Biden was deemed to be “healthy” and “vigorous” in his latest physical conducted, but medical experts pointed out his doctor didn’t mention the president’s mental status.

Speaking with Fox News Digital after examining the results of the exam, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, a family and emergency medical professional and a Fox News contributor, questioned how Biden performed on his “mini mental status exam.”

“How did he do on that? What was his score? I would like to know,” she said. “Physical mental emotional health are all as equally important.

White House Dr. Kevin O’ Conner assessed Biden and concluded he was a healthy, vigorous 80-year-old male, and he added, “I purposely stayed away from the area of his mental health, because the general public knows what going on based on the President’s press conferences.” O’ Conner explained. ”If I spoke on Biden’s mental health, considering his level of dementia, people would rightfully conclude that he is absolutely nuts.”