BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Hunter Biden withdrew $20,000 from his daughter Maisy’s college fund and spent it on “hookers and drugs” after being warned he had just 44 cents left in his bank account, the Daily Mail reported.

According to the outlet, Biden received an email from Wells Fargo bank on Dec. 17, 2018, warning that he had just 44 cents left in his account, which prompted a muddled reply ordering the bank to transfer $20,000 from Maisy’s college savings account.

“I don’t think that I am entirely responsible,” explained Hunter after the article was published. “The price of crack cocaine was going up, and at that time I was paying more for less. Donald Trump was president in charge of the economy when I made the cash transfer, thus he is partially responsible for impacting my daughter’s reduction in funds that impacted her educational future.”