BREAKING NEWS – Denver, Colorado – Denver’s homeless problem is so bad that one resident resorted to dumping human excrement left by his office on the steps of City Hall to convey his frustration.

Mike Johnston, the Democratic mayor of Denver, may be on the other side of the aisle, but he understood where libertarian think tank owner Jon Caldara was coming from with his viral stunt.

“I’ve known Jon Caldara for a long time, so we’ve had more than our handful of discussions, but I think he and I share the same goal, which is what we want is be able to get people housed and be able to get back clean, safe public spaces that everyone can access,” Johnston told Fox News Digital.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was outraged at the tactic. “What Jon Caldara did was disgusting!” she said in angry tweet. “Human excrement should not be dumped in front of City Hall. It should be dumped on city sidewalks where homeless people normally relieve themselves, like they do in San Francisco. I am going to introduced a bill where homeless people can legally do it anywhere they want, and I’m referring to it as ‘squatter’s rights’… literally.”