BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – The star power behind CNN’s weekly primetime experiment “King Charles” has quickly lost its luster among viewers as the network continues struggling to maintain a sturdy programming lineup.

“King Charles,” named after co-hosts Gayle King and Charles Barkley, premiered in late November with a dismal audience of 500,000 total viewers and 139,000 in the advertiser-coveted demographic of ages 25-54, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Since then, viewership cratered a whopping 20% as the Jan. 31 broadcast fell to 400,000 total viewers. Just 89,000 of those in the key demo, a stunning 36% drop.

“We really thought his stupidity was marketable… and we were wrong,” King said speaking to a reporter. “Hopefully, our show will be cancelled soon, before more I.Q. gets lowered down to his.”