On my quest to prove the existence of Noah’s Ark, I went to Mount Ararat in Turkey. This is where, according to the bible, the ark rested once the flood waters receded. After being on the mountain for three days, enduring non-stop snow storms and finding nothing, I was as exhausted as I was frustrated. Just as I began to pack my gear to start my descent, I noticed off in the distance a dark spot about a half mile up the mountain from the point I had made camp.

Using what little energy I had left, I jogged all the way, with the wind blowing in my face. The closer I got to the object, the more obvious to me that this was a man made structure. I slowly began to catch my breath as I walked around the massive creation. It finally dawned on me, that I had located Noah’s Ark. It was longer than a football field and about 45 feet high. I entered the wooden petrified vessel through an open door on the side.

When I turned my flashlight on, I saw chambers and pens to house animals. There were hundreds of pens on both sides. Once I explored the first two levels that were similar, I went to the third. I entered a room that had a large wooden box on the floor with the front of it made of glass. Near the box on the floor was a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it. That’s when I realized that the piece of paper was a page that fell out of Noah’s daily journal and the large wooden box was a very old widescreen television. The entry in Noah’s journal read:

“As the flooding continues, the arguments on what to watch on tv are as intense as ever. My wife wants to watch Lifetime, my sons want to watch ESPN, but I insist that we keep it on the Weather Channel”.