BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – The Nation of Islam is lashing out at three black members of Congress who have denounced its leader, Louis Farrakhan, for making anti-Semitic and anti-white remarks in a recent speech. In an open letter published on its website, the Nation of Islam accuses Reps. Gregory Meeks, Barbara Lee and Danny Davis of being sellouts and bowing to public pressure to disavow the 84-year-old minister for his incendiary keynote speech at the organization’s national conference in Chicago last month. Before a crowd of several thousand, Farrakhan said such things as “powerful Jews are my enemy” and “the Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out.” When Congresswoman Maxine Waters was asked to comment on the Nation of Islam leader she said this. “All I know is this, Farrakhan is behaving this way due to the polices of President Trump. To my knowledge, his hostility toward whites and Jews began after Trump won the White House, and he has never said anything racist before that. Thus, Farrakhan should not be held responsible for anything he says from now on, and instead we should blame his words on Donald Trump. Impeach 45! Impeach 45!”