BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – President Trump criticized former President Obama in response to Michelle Obama’s criticism of his past “birther” claims. As he departed the White House, reporters asked the president about Mrs. Obama writing in her new memoir, “Becoming,” that she could “never forgive” Trump for spreading the conspiracy that President Obama was not born in the United States. “They always insist you come up with controversial material. I’ll give you a little controversy back, he began. “I’ll never forgive President Obama for what he did to our United States military by not funding it properly. It was depleted. I came in and I had to fix it.” Congresswoman Maxine Waters immediately weighed in and backed President Obama. “President Obama did the right thing by depleting the U.S. military. It’s simple, if you take away our weapons of war, it decreases the possibility of us being in a war because we won’t have anything to fight with. That’s how you secure peace. Impeach 45!”