BREAKING NEWS – St. Paul, Minnesota – The restaurant chain Chipotle announced that it had terminated one of its managers for suggesting in a viral video that five black customers were planning to order food without paying over ‘dine and dash’ fears — but on Sunday, the company acknowledged that it was considering re-hiring the manager because her suspicions may have been well-founded. Masud Ali who was one of the customers along with his friends that complained about “stereotypes”. But almost immediately, it emerged that Ali had apparently spoken favorably of “dining and dashing” — the practice of ordering food and not paying for it — several times on Twitter in the past. In 2016 he wrote “aye man i think chopotle catchin up to us fam. should we change locations and yoooooo what should we do about the other thang.” In 2015, he wrote that “we finna goto Applebees and eat as much as we can and tip the nice lady 20cents and walk the f— out.” When another Twitter user objected, he sarcastically replied that “we’re just borrowing the food for a couple hours.” Maxine Waters weighed in and defended Ali and the other blacks. “I remember when the south had Jim Crow laws where restaurants refused to serve blacks, so what Ali and his buddies are doing is fair, reasonable, and long overdue. Why should they be intimidated and coerced into paying for a meal that they have eaten? That’s racism in my view. It’s possible that these five blacks had to leave on an emergency after they had finished eating, and simply didn’t have time to pay? When the democrats take over Congress in January, I am going to relay my concerns to the Department of Justice, to investigate Chipotle for discrimination and extortion. Impeach 45!”