BREAKING NEWS – Salt Lake City, Utah – Utah Senator-Elect Mitt Romney continued to criticize President Trump on, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper that the country “is as divided as I’ve ever seen it.” This after writing a scathing op-ed assailing the president’s character.With his latest comments, Romney, the onetime presidential candidate and ex-governor of Massachusetts, was doubling down on claims he made earlier this week in a piece for The Washington Post. In that op-ed, he said Trump “has not risen to the mantle of the office.” He then added, “There is a reason why I was never critical of Hillary Clinton after she lost. She is understandably bitter, just like I am, so lashing out is therapeutic according to several of my psychiatrists. But I do have a problem with a black man running for president, as well as a woman, and I still struggle with both groups being allowed to legally vote. Mormon teachings has always taught us to keep those two groups in their place. And if I would’ve won in 2012, that’s exactly what I would’ve done, and in turn, that alone would’ve eliminated the division in this nation… I think.”