BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not believe President Trump can be removed through impeachment. According to her, the only way to do it is to defeat him in 2020 by a margin so “big” he cannot challenge the legitimacy of a Democratic victory. “Suppose he didn’t win in a close race, and he started behaving like sore losing delusional mentally unbalanced Hillary Clinton, and went on tour like she’s currently doing, creating endless embarrassing excuses blaming everyone from the Russians to Trump supporters from distant galaxies. This would be awful for our country. Hillary has even persuaded Sour Grapes Stacey Abrams, who lost when she ran for governor of Georgia, to help create an organization that will closely monitor liberal women on the ballot, to insure they are treated fairly. It’s called ‘Females Overseeing Official Legitimate Selections’, also known as FOOLS.”