BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Amid the uproar over President Trump’s controversial statement that he would be willing to receive “dirt” on political opponents from foreign sources, Republicans have fired back that Democrats slamming the president have openly considered doing the same thing. In fact, Brian Fallon, the press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful 2016 campaign, once said he would have been willing to travel to Europe to confirm dirt about then-candidate Trump. Hillary Clinton was quick to defend Fallon. “What he said makes sense,” the former Secretary of State said in regards to Fallon. “Sitting back in the Oval Office and receiving calls about dirt on an opponent for free, is not very efficient. The best thing to do is what I did, which is to pay someone handsomely to go another country and get the real juicy stuff, and if nothing can be found, encourage them to fabricate the info. This only shows that Donald Trump is not qualified to be president, because he has no idea how to do covert underhanded things in an attempt to destroy an opponent… including terminating whistleblowing witnesses.”