BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – After last week’s democratic debate, Maxine Waters is now leveling new charges at President Trump. “A lot of people, including liberals are calling the two debates in Miami a ‘disaster’. And they are right,” she angrily began. “But according to my secret sources, those were not the candidates, but some lookalikes Trump hired to repeatedly say some stupid things to make us democrats appear to be idiots. There is no other reasonable explanation that would explain why they all came off as misguided morons. And the so-called ‘Biden’ on the stage, was actually a robot that was low on battery power! Where are the real candidates? What has Trump done to them? Are they safe? Where is he hiding them? This is kidnapping! This is election tampering! This will set up a landslide for him next year… uh… impeach 46? Impeach 46!”