BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., issued a scathing rebuke following President Biden’s new executive order on police reform, slamming Democrats for hypocritically blocking his own police reform bill in 2020 while partially embracing some aspects of his legislation.

“After the radical ‘defund the police’ movement helped create the current crime wave, President Biden is pursuing a partisan approach to many of the exact same policy solutions I proposed in the JUSTICE Act just two year[s] ago,” Scott said in a statement after Biden issued the order.

Biden responded to Scott’s assessment. “Ok, I used some of the policy solutions Senator Scott’s proposed in 2020, so what,” he began. “However, I have always been reluctant to honor suggestions by black people who have power. Which is why when I was vice president, I wouldn’t follow any of President Obama’s orders until I was convinced that he knew what he was talking about. People may say that is racist, but I call it ethnic quality control.”