BREAKING NEWS – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that President Trump’s assertion that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election is not true. “It’s a lie,” he told MSNBC host and East Harlem, N.Y. preacher Al Sharpton. “The assertion the president made from the beginning is a flat lie.” Biden added that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise minorities by pressing for voter identification laws. “It’s what these guys are all about, man,” Biden, also a former Delaware senator, said. “They don’t want black folks voting.” Sharpton then asked Biden, what prevented blacks from voting for Hillary in light of her policies mirroring his and President Obama? Biden responded with anger. “I told you not to ask me that you loud mouth stupid idiot!” The network immediately went to a commercial, but for a couple of seconds of audio without video before the commercial began, it sounded like punches were being thrown.